Proud to introduce

Malawi Data Portal,
Malawi data in one place

malawi data

Historical Places

This endpoint lists all historical places in Malawi with thier related data

The path is: /v1/historical_places

malawi data

Cities in Malawi

This endpoint lists all cities in Malawi with thier related data

The path is: /v1/cities

malawi data

Hospitals in Malawi

This endpoint lists main hospitals in Malawi with thier related data

The path is: /v1/hospitals

malawi data

About the developer

This project was inspired by my deep interest in data analysis and the desire to contribute to the development of technology solutions for social impact. Growing up in Malawi, I witnessed the importance of accurate and accessible data for informed decision-making. This project aims to provide comprehensive information about Malawi, including population demographics, geographic locations, and essential services like hospitals and schools. Throughout the development process, I have learned valuable skills in API design, database management, and web application development. This project has been a challenging yet rewarding journey, allowing me to apply my knowledge and expand my technical expertise. As a Portfolio Project for ALX, this project has provided me with an opportunity to showcase my skills and demonstrate my ability to build practical solutions.